Monday, October 7, 2013 - 12:00

Chance for joining the campaign ‘Share the burden’

Out of 25.000 households which became entitled to join the campaign SHARE THE BURDEN and sign the protocol on debt settlement in fixed monthly instalments of 20 euros, about 7.000 of them exercised the mentioned right in September. In October, 20.000 customers became entitled to sign the protocol under the privileged conditions.

All the households whose bill for June is settled by July 31st, bill for July by August 31st and bill for August by September 30th are entitled to sign the privileged protocol in October.  During signing of the protocol, it is necessary to promptly pay the first instalment of 20 euros at the counter of the local unit of Supply. Bill for electricity consumed in September must be paid by October 31st in order for the protocol to be valid. Further calculation of default interest on the amount of debt will be suspended on the day of signing the protocol. 

Due to huge interest of the households which, out of certain reason, haven’t so far fulfilled conditions for joining the campaign (delayed payments, payment of small amounts, absence from Montenegro on a specific day, etc.), EPCG enabled all the households to join the campaign in October under the condition that three bills are cumulatively settled in October (for June, July and August) regardless of the date on which payment is effected. It means that, for example, all the three bills may be paid together in October or the remaining bills are to be paid if one or two of them are already paid. The mechanism for signing the protocols for this group of customers is such that first they have to effect necessary payments so as to fulfil the condition to cumulatively pay three bills (for June, July and August), as well as to visit the local unit of Supply on the day following the day of payment in order to sign the protocol and pay the first instalment of 20 euros. Bill for electricity consumed in September is necessary to be paid by October 31st also by this group of customers in order for the protocol to be valid. If cumulative payment or payment of the remaining bill is effected by the customers on October 31st, 2013, only and exclusively those customers will be enabled to sign the protocol on November 1st, 2013 thereat paying the first instalment of 20 euros.

All the customers that want to sign the protocol under the privileged conditions and that previously signed the protocol according to the standard procedure and regularly settled their liabilities defined by that protocol (instalment plus current bill) for June, July and August, may exercise the same right in October in such a manner that the old protocol will be terminated and the new one signed. 

All the customers that became entitled to join the campaign “Share the Burden” and that in the meantime have been sued or complaint against them has been filed with reference to debt settlement, may also sign the Protocol under the privileged conditions. The complaint will be withdrawn after signing of the protocol.

If some customers are disconnected or are to be disconnected in October, they will be connected upon payment of bills for June, July and August, as well as payment of the connection charge. It means that all the customers that are disconnected in the previous period will become entitled to connection by paying three bills preceding disconnection, as well as all the bills – lump sum which is calculated by October.