Friday, March 13, 2015 - 13:16

February consumption reduced by 13 %

In February, households consumed 114,799,069 kWh (kilowatt-hours) i.e. 13.5% less than in January, or 10 % more compared to consumption reached in February 2014.

Average bill for electricity, consumed by households in February (excluding non-read metering points in the buildings, which are not permanently resided), amounts to € 39.57. Households in Mojkovac Municipality record the lowest average consumption of 21.8 €, while Kotor and Podgorica Municipalities record the highest consumption during last month i.e. average electricity bill in Kotor amounts to € 50.8 and in Podgorica € 48.3.

Bill exceeding the amount of € 150 will be delivered to about 1.8 % of customers (6,312 from the category of households), while bills worth from € 100 to € 150 have been registered at 3.69 % of customers (12,937 from the household category).   

Bills for February reduced by the amount of discount for regular payers will be delivered to about 140.581 customers.

Detailed information may be found on this link racun.epcg.com or may be obtained by calling toll free number 19100.