Tuesday, July 21, 2015 - 15:34

Consumption in Montenegro on level with winter months

Electricity consumption in the last few days is breaking consumption records in July in the last 10 years. In the first 20 days of July electricity consumption is 15% higher than in the same period last year.

A record July consumption of almost 9.000.000 kWh was made yesterday and that is the first time that the consumption in summer months equaled consumption in winter months. The reasons for record consumption are high, tropical temperatures caused by a heat wave that swept not only Montenegro but also the entire region. The average temperature in July is, so far, around 5 degrees Celsius higher than the average temperature for the same period last year.

Most of the energy is consumed in Podgorica, about 3,000,000 kWh hours per day, which is at the level of daily consumption in winter. However, the coastal region yesterday has generated almost half of the total electricity consumption in Montenegro and achieved a record daily consumption of nearly 4,000,000 kWh, which is the highest daily consumption in July since the official records of consumption. This daily consumption on the coast are now tied with the maximum consumption that Podgorica has consumed in the winter. On the basis of meteorological announcement, it is expected that this trend in electricity consumption will continue by the end of the month.

EPCG has timely, as every year, taken all activities in order for distribution network to be ready for the summer season, and significant investment which were made in the distribution network in recent years, primarily constructing of new power stations, are contributing for consumers to have quality supply.

Although the increased consumption of electricity in the region has led to a sudden and unplanned increase in market prices, EPCG is trying to, with quality management of viable production capacities and adequate import of the missing amount of energy, in an optimum manner to provide consumers with stable quality and regular supply.